Die Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, kurz Sea Shepherd ( Meereshirte), ist eine militante Umweltschutzorganisation mit Sitz in Friday Harbor im US-Bundesstaat Washington, die sich besonders dem Schutz der Meere und dem Kampf gegen denWalfang und die Robbenjagd sowie gegen unverhältnismäßige Fischerei verschrieben hat. Sea Shepherd ist eine Stiftung und finanziert sich durch Spenden. Sie ist eine Non-Profit-Organisation nach § 501(c)(3) des US-amerikanischen Einkommensteuergesetzes.
Die Stiftung wurde 1977 von Paul Watson gegründet, einem der ersten Mitglieder von Greenpeace.
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) is a non-profit, marine conservation organization based in Friday Harbor on San Juan Island, Washington in the United States. The group uses direct action tactics to protect sealife. Sea Shepherd currently operates the vessels MY Steve Irwin, the MY Bob Barker, and the MV Brigitte Bardot, and most of the group's recent activities take place in international waters. The group has a strong focus on public relations to spread their message via the media.
The organization was founded in 1977 under the name Earth Force Society by Paul Watson, a co-founding member of Greenpeace, after a dispute with that organization over what Watson saw as its lack of more aggressive intervention. It has received support for its tactics against fishing, whaling, and seal hunting from quarters such as media personalities, while critics have called the direct action violent.
Operations have included scuttling and disabling whaling vessels at harbor, intervening in Canadian and Namibian seal hunts, shining laser light into the eyes of whalers, throwing bottles of foul-smelling butyric acid onto vessels at sea, boarding of whaling vessels while at sea, and seizure and destruction of drift nets at sea. Sea Shepherd claims that their aggressive actions are necessary as the international community has shown itself unwilling or unable to stop species-endangering whaling and fishing practices.The American, Canadian, and Japanese governments, as well as the Institute of Cetacean Research of Japan, have referred to them as terrorists.
In 2008, Animal Planet began filming the weekly series Whale Wars based on the group's encounters with the Japanese whaling fleet in theSouthern Ocean, a development which brought the group much publicity.
Bob Barker |
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Brigitte Bardot |
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Steve Irwin |
Bob Barker im Hafen von Hobart |
Schiffstour auf der Bob Barker |
Ein Crewmitglied zeigt uns die Route die Bob Barker gefahren ist um die Walfänger aufzuhalten. Bob Barker hat die Walfänger bei Alaska gefunden. |
Wer weiß....vielleicht bald meine neue Arbeit.....
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